Thursday, March 11, 2010

Don Quixote (Day Six / Chapters 46 - 52)

In chapter LII there is a fight between Don Quixote and the goatherd. During this fight they are at a dogfight. This represents that Don Quixote is seen as somewhat of an animal by the priest and the others they are with. That he is nothing more than an insane man who cannot control himself. The priest and others are laughing at Don Quixote at first, but then indulge in Don Quixote's beliefs and ideas of knighthood and knights. I feel that by them playing along only feeds how Don Quixote acts. By them playing along with this shows that they use him as somewhat of a toy and that is all he is good for (their entertainment).

I think throughout Part one Don Quixote does realize for some points the distinguishing factoros between reality and fiction. Though I feel he is more true, and will continue to stay more true, to his knightly ways. I think this reality he created for himself is something that took a lot of work on his part, and he is enjoying his way of life and won't let others ruin it for him.

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