Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Canti 28 - 34

For this last day of the Inferno, I'd like you to pick two quotations from these final Canti that you feel in some way comment upon the work as a whole or address main themes within the work. It would also be great if the quotes connected back to our theme of myth (as we discussed the first day -- this latter part may be a bit harder though).

Canto 34 (lines 133-139)
In these lines there is talk about the slightly visible beauty that Heaven has from a round opening seen from a hidden road and of stars. I feel the beauty that is just barely there is proof to Dante and Virgil (as well as the reader) that the journey through the Inferno, all the horrible sights, smells, and interactions are soon to be worth it. I feel that the stars represent hope. Their light shines and gives a sense of warmth and of good things to come, which will be Paradiso. The stars also make me think of the different constellations we have named over time.

Canto 29 (lines 1-12)
I feel that in these lines it sums up all that was seen by Dante. He says how his eyes could not pull away from what he was seeing. Everything including what he was seeing at that moment seemed to intoxicate Dante and put him in some kind of trance. He feels the need to stay and weep over what he is seeing. I feel this shows how much Dante was effected by the journey through the Inferno. Virgil asks why he stares. He states that time is short now and there is more than just these mutilated and tortured souls/creatures to see. I feel Virgil saying this is a foreshadowing to to good that Dante will see from Paradiso.

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