Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dante's Inferno Canti (7 -13)

I would like you to choose two quotes that interest you and do a "close reading" of them. This means that you should (1) put the quotes into context within the larger narrative, (2) write about the themes you see in these quotes and why they are important, and (3) try to find meaning within the symbolism. Please try to stay away from plot summaries -- I'm pushing you to come up with your own ideas concerning the text.
Canto IX (34-60):
In the lines 37-39 of this Canto there are three Furies as guardians for the City of Dis. The three infernal Furies had snakes and serpents for girdles and hair. I feel these serpents give off a sneaky and sly feeling, as well as a fearful one, to the travelers. Medusa in the other lines also represents fear. It is just one more obstacle in the way of the entire journey that must be taken. Not being able to look someone in the eye, for the fear of being turned to stone, would provoke a deep fright in anyone. This Gorgon has the potential to keep you down there and never allowing you to return above. When Virgil used his own hands to cover Dante I feel that was a foreshadow to Dante to be misled by Virgil. I believe it also shows the loyalty Virgil has for Dante. It could possibly be that Virgil did not trust Dante to not look since Dante already was covering his eyes with his own hands.

Canto XIII (22-108):
These lines speak about tree stumps, twigs, and branches that are dark, fiery, and bleeding. At one point Dante pulls a twig and then is questioned by it as to why he tore/broke it accusing him of being a pitiless human being having no mercy. Dante disagrees with this because later on in this Canto he states that he is unable to ask a question due to the amount of pity he has. There is too much pity in his heart. I think that Dante feels this way because this accusation is an accusation questioning his faith in the lord. I believe that the tree stumps and bushes represent one of the lowest forms of being because they are stuck to the ground and cannot move. They must forever be in the fiery city to suffer. They are forever trapped there where the Harpies can feed on the darkened leaves.

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