Monday, February 8, 2010

Dante's Inferno (Canti 14 - 20)

2. Dante's views on homosexuality (especially concerning his conversation Brunetto Latino in Canto 15 and his reaction to the three souls who resemble "naked and oiled" wrestlers in Canto 16). How might his reaction to these souls contrast / resemble his interaction with previous souls? Why do you feel this to be the case?

Dante understood homosexuality different than what we think of it today. During his time homosexuality was generally shunned upon more with two men than with two women. The men in Canti 15 and 16 show this. Homosexuality was against nature. Homosexuality was not really seen as homosexuality; meaning it was not seen as a sexual orientation. It was seen as sodomy and it was against religious beliefs. People who were involved in these activities were penalized when caught. They were called sodomites and they were considered to be sinners, hence why they are seen in the Seventh Circle; Second Ring and Third Ring. In the Second Ring Brunetto Latino is there and him and Dante have a respect for each other. Brunetto was like a mentor to Dante. Brunetto Latino was married with children, but had many relations with men.

3. The description of the Geryon in Canto 17. How do you interpret this fantastical creature that signifies fraud? Why do you think the notion of fraud is important for Dante (especially given the fact that he is a writer -- what do writers do? What is the nature of fictional literature?) Do you see any other meanings in this creature?

Geryon is a very complex creature in the Inferno. There are many different parts to Geryon; the face of a man, a scorpion tail, hairy features, as well as reptilian ones. I feel that these different parts can represent different traits in the creature. For example, the face of a man can represent how this creature can potentially be just like man, the scorpion tail can represent how easily one can be wounded by this creature (because one sting from a scorpion is sometimes all that is needed for serious injury), the hair may represent something hidden, and the reptilian features, i feel, could represent sneaky tendencies as well as suspicious ones. Fraud is an important thing for Dante, as a writer, because in writing one must succeed in having the reader believe whatever is written, whether it is true or not. They must make up stories for others to enjoy.

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